Happy Halloween!
I probably said this last year (and the year before, and the year before that) but Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, set in my favorite season. I love the crisp smell of winter chill in the air, combined with other scents… mulling cider, spiced pumpkin pie and sugar. (You heard me. Sugar.)
And the costumes. I love the costumes! The best part of getting to hand out candy every year is seeing all of the costumes.
As many of you know, I visited Salem, Massachusetts this summer. It was tons of fun but I do wish I had been able to go at Halloween (which means I’ll have to go back, of course!). This whole week, they’ve got Haunted Happenings, which includes costume balls (yes, plural!), a grand parade, a street fair, ghost tours, haunted houses, scary movies–basically everything you could think of. I’ve heard it’s an awesome experience, and I want to join in!
The most interesting thing I ever did at Halloween was one year in high school when I dressed up as a devil. I used this bright red hair dye that was supposed to wash out in three washings… except it didn’t. I wore that bright red hair to my Catholic school for three weeks until it all washed out. You have no idea how many dirty looks I got from the nuns. And what could I say? “I was a devil.” LOL
What’s your craziest Halloween experience or fondest memory–or is there something you’d like to do (like go to Salem) that you haven’t had the chance to do yet? Tell us in the comments!
Adding a comment is one of the entries in my giveaway, so be sure to take a look at that below. And don’t miss the grand prize giveaway, too, if you haven’t seen it already. And once you’ve commented and entered, head on over to the next site in our Hop! But first, check out an all-new excerpt from my upcoming release, and then see the goodies I’ve got for you–freebies from some of my faves. Enjoy!
Excerpt from the new bonus epilogue Her Kilted Mate

Note: This story takes place right after the end of Her Scottish Alpha, and the bit at the end overlaps some of the action from His Dragon Heart.
By the time Mattie closed the door to her and Colin’s apartment in the huge Scottish shifter castle called the Stronghold, she’d had more than enough of war. She turned the lock but the resulting click brought little satisfaction. Trouble could still get inside, no matter how much she tried to block it out.
A warm body sidled up behind her, her mate’s well-muscled arms snaking around her waist. “Dinna fash, Mattie.”
She didn’t answer. Her fun-loving mate never thought they needed to fash or worry about anything.
“The war’s over,” he continued. “And we can hardly call it a war. ‘Twas one battle.”
“One battle that killed friends and family. You could have died.”
“You could have died. But we didn’t.” He turned her around and pressed her back against the wooden door. “Let’s celebrate that we’re both still alive.” He kissed her.
She twined her arms around his neck. The war—battle—had broken out between the Scottish wolves and the English wolves over political disagreements. As an American, Mattie cared little about her husband’s country’s politics, unless it affected them directly. War fit that bill.
At least they’d won. The UK and Scottish Alpha, Lachlan MacPherson, had beaten the English Alpha, though things had been dicey. Lachlan and his new mate, Keira, had nearly been overrun before the tide had turned.
But there were still mysteries left unsolved, the biggest one being what had happened to Keira’s sister Gillian when she and the dragon Damon Knightley disappeared.
“You’re thinking too much, lass,” Colin said against her lips. “Let it go.” His hands trailed down her sides to grasp her hips and pull her more firmly against him.
Beneath the grief and the exhaustion, a small thread of arousal stirred. Mattie wrapped her arms around Colin and pulled him closer, opening to him and–for once–doing what he said. As she let the sad thoughts slip from her mind, her muscles relaxed, bit by bit.
Colin’s hands stroked her sides and hips as he continued to kiss her. When he buried his face in the crook of her neck to press a kiss against the bit of mating mark that showed above her collar, his hands moved up to cup her breasts.
Mattie shivered. She could never say her mate didn’t know exactly what to do to turn her on. After letting him stroke her nipples for a few good minutes, she pushed him backward toward the oversized bed that dominated their bedroom, its rumpled blankets and strewn sheets looking even more welcoming than usual. When his legs hit the side of the mattress, she shoved his chest, causing him to tumble and bounce onto the bed.
He laughed. “That’s my girl.” He reached a hand out to her. “Now come and join me.”
The bonus epilogue Her Kilted Mate will be published this week exclusively as part of the Wicked Alphas, Wilder Nights boxed set! In the meantime, pick up a copy of the freebie short story Her Kilted Wolf, the first book in the series, which tells the story of how Mattie and Colin first meet.
Her Kilted Mate in Wicked Alphas, Wilder Nights–Pre-order or in KU on Oct. 30:
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Get Her Kilted Wolf Free:
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Last but not least, I promised treats, didn’t I? 😉 Here are some freebies from some of my favorite authors (plus me):
(These books were free as of 10/25/15. I don’t have control over price changes, so please verify the price before clicking “buy.”)
A Minor Shift by Tabitha Conall
Ghosts of Desire by Michelle Fox
Thrill of the Night by Mina Carter
Like a Fox by Celia Kyle
A Demon and His Witch by Eve Langlais
Black Gold by Vivian Arend
Wolf Signs by Vivian Arend
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Grand Prize Giveaway
(Please scroll down.)
Hop to the next site for more fun and giveaways!
Getting to see the grandkids dressed up and so excited is what I love the most
I always enjoy handing out candy and seeing the little kids in their costumes.
skpetal at hotmail dot com
I enjoy watching the faces of the little ones when their costume is recognized. They are so cute, I also love handing out candy to the kids.
I love taking my grandchildren to the Fall Festival every year. They get to ride ponies, play games, and pick out their own pumpkin. It’s always fun to see their happy little faces.
Ah, one never feels so alive as in the midst of death. Or as hot and bothered. rsbrandt44 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Hope I win. Email saraschwab1980@gmail.com
I have no children of my own so I think it is so cute to see kids of my friends all dressed up
I would love to visit Salem Mass. around Halloween too. They really go all out around there. There haunted tours are probably fabulous. I’m also into all things pumpkin spice this time of year. Can’t get enough coffee and donuts. Lol. Thanks for the chance.
diannp (at)neo (dot)rr (dot)com
People won’t walk miles to come to my door….too far in the country! But I do love the change in season…crisp, cool, the air smells fresher!
I love carving pumpkins and seeing the little ones in their costumes!
might be fun to visit salem but really just enjoy taking kids out Halloween night and seeing all the costumes and watching the full moon
I love handing out candy to the little ones. They’re so cute and they get so excited when you put candy in their bags.
I can’t wait for this anthology. amybowens34@yahoo.com
the candy
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
I’ve never celebrated Halloween as it’s not an Aussie holiday/tradition
I love Halloween because of the candy and watching scary movies! Wow, I didn’t know they didn’t have Halloween in Austrailia?!
I’d love to visit Salem, Massachusetts someday.
I love the spirit of Halloween! missykate09@gmail.com
I ♡ everything! Fall is my favorite season! I love the pumpkin patch, apple orchards, corn mazes, haunted houses, and taking my children trick or treating! Happy Halloween! bw2323bro@yahoo.com
Thanks for the Halloween Hop!
There are so many places I want to go and Salem is right at the top of my list. I also want to visit New Orleans. It’s so haunted and I want to visit the haunted places and breathe the haunted air and check out a town where I could actually buy all the supplies needed for my spells and pay reasonable rates (maybe). I would worry about the crime rate there, though, so I might select a different city that’s magically inclined, Halloween-exciting, and with a low crime-rate. michelle_willms at yahoo dot com
One year I wore an Orange bridesmaids dress. I carved a large pumpkin placed over my head held a M&M candy scepter and was Miss Pumpkin 1978! That was the year I lost to guy wearing a black trash bag with a long cast on his head…(he was a deuce bag) lol. And once again I show my age.
YAY!!!!! I absolutely love Halloween!!! Especially the Halloween parade here in New York. It’s always a good time.
Love anthologies. Can’t wait to read this one.
We like to go to a showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show every Halloween.
Thank You for participating in this. I don’t get treater out my way I live in the country. My kids always had to go into town. I would like to go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. I know it doesn’t have anything to do with Halloween but its something Ive always wanted to do. Sherrilynn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series is based there and I like to see if what authors write about are really there.
happy halloween and thanks for the hop!
Love Halloween time!! 🙂 ajisbak123@gmail.com