The fourth book in my Colliding Worlds series will be coming out next week as part of the Crave anthology. Check out the gorgeous cover below, then read an excerpt of Her Vampire Mate. And don’t miss our cover reveal giveaway at the bottom of this post!

Excerpt from Her Vampire Mate
When the woman moved, Antonio knew instantly she was a werewolf. There was something about their lithe bodies, the way their muscles moved. He’d never been able to put his finger on it, but he’d never been wrong, either.
As a rule, he didn’t like werewolves. At the same time, there was something extremely sexy about her. There shouldn’t have been. He liked long hair and while her chestnut hair was long, it was pulled back from her face and fell in a braid down her back, masking its beauty. And while he preferred curves, she looked more muscled than lush. He preferred sweet, demur women like the blonde in the restaurant. This woman looked like she’d have a good shot at taking him in a fight.
Not that it mattered. When it came down to it, he loved women. Surely he could find something to love about this one.
After he finished perusing her body, he took another look at her face. Her bright blue eyes were wide, her full lips slightly open.
“Surprised to see me?” he said.
She cleared her throat. “What are you doing in Phillip’s home?”
“Sticking with that tune? I can tell you’re a werewolf. What is it you’re doing in Phillip’s home?” His tone twisted on the man’s name.
After licking her lips, she said, “Who are you?”
What was up with her? She looked positively shell-shocked. “You can hardly expect me to answer.”
“Fine. Vamp. Don’t answer.” She spun on her heel and left the apartment.
He might not know for sure but it was a good bet she was looking for the world-walker. His council contact hadn’t said anything but Antonio knew the vamps and the wolves were in sort of a cold war and it wasn’t much of a leap to figure the wolves would want a world-walker to give them an edge just as badly as the vamps did.
So he’d better follow her. He quickly left the apartment, closing the door behind him, and sped to catch up with her. By the time he reached her, she was standing in front of a downstairs apartment knocking on the door. The look she gave him could have wilted concrete.
Oddly enough, he found he liked her strong spirit. He leaned against the far wall while they waited for someone to answer the door. It gave him a good view of her butt, which was damn fine.
“I know you’ll be able to hear everything from over there,” she whispered. “Just join me.”
Team up? Was she serious? He covered his surprise as well as he could and walked toward her just as the door opened.
A little white-haired woman in a pink jogging suit opened the door. “Yes?”
“Sorry, ma’am. I’m looking for the building manager,” the werewolf said.
“He’s not here right now. Can I take a message for him?” The woman eyed Antonio, closing the door just a little.
As though that could save her.
The wolf spoke. “We’re looking for our friend, Phillip Kent. I’ve been calling and calling and we’ve stopped by several times but he’s not here. I just wanted to make sure he hasn’t moved out or anything.”
What a sexy little liar his werewolf was.
The woman’s face crumpled, a crease forming between her eyes. “Oh, honey. He moved out a couple of days ago. Didn’t even leave an address for his security deposit—said we could keep it. Do you have any other way to reach him?”
The werewolf touched her forehead before dropping her hand to her side. “Dammit. He always does this—takes off without telling anyone. He promised he’d stop.”
And that was his opening. Antonio stepped closer to her and put his hand on the back of her neck. “It’ll be all right, honey. We’ll find him.”
She immediately stiffened and sucked in her breath but the building manager’s wife didn’t seem to notice.
Instead, the older woman took a step backward, away from him. “He used to hang out at the Lucky Elbow down on Fourth. Maybe someone there might know where he is.” She started talking faster. “I’m sorry I can’t help you more. Best of luck.” She closed the door.
Antonio left his hand on the werewolf’s neck, massaging her with his fingers. She might be everything he didn’t look for in a woman but he felt an overwhelming urge to find out more about her.
For a moment, he felt her relax into him. Her head fell back just the slightest inch. Then she jerked away and headed for the outside door.
He hurried to keep up with her—not too difficult with his vampire speed. “Thought we were teaming up.”
“To talk to the building manager,” she said. “That’s it.”
He put his hand on her back. “You sure? I bet we could make magic together.”
She sucked in her breath and walked even faster.
“What’s your name, sweetness?”
She stopped and turned to him. For a moment, her eyes wavered then met his. “This isn’t going to work.” As she turned and stalked away, he heard her murmur, “What the hell am I going to do?”
Antonio knew what he wanted to do and it didn’t have anything to do with finding a world-walker.
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I love your books. Looking forward to reading more. Thank you for the contest!
Btw….I am D Thomas on Goodreads and Deb Thomas on Facebook.
Thank you, Deb!