There’s nothing like the feeling of reading a book that you just can’t put down. Does this sound familiar:
- You really meant to go to bed at [fill in a time here] but three hours later you looked up from your book, noticed the time, then kept reading.
- You had lots of chores and things to do that Saturday, and you finally started working on them…at five o’clock in the afternoon, after finally finishing your book.
- You considered calling in sick to work because you couldn’t imagine how you’d live through the entire day without knowing what happens next.
Yes, I’ve been there. When I was a kid, I used to sneak into the bathroom after I’d been put to bed at night and read by the nightlight. If I got caught, I “just had to go to the bathroom.” Right.
What’s the craziest thing you ever did to read just one more page? 🙂
Excerpt from Shifting Ground
Panic gripped Kane as he realized this was it. Piper was going through that window and he might never see her again.
Instead of giving her a boost, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She struggled against him for a couple of seconds and then melted, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him back with passion.

This time when his hands drifted to her backside, she didn’t stop him. He gripped her butt and pulled her hard against him, his cock nestled against her soft belly.
Piper groaned and he suddenly realized the danger they were in. If either of them made too much noise, her minders would hear and come to investigate. And if they found Piper and Kane—two people who shouldn’t even know each other—making out in her backyard, there’d be all sorts of questions and then they’d both be kicked out of town. Unmarried folks weren’t supposed to hold hands, much less kiss.
He dragged his mouth away, breathing heavily. He couldn’t think of a thing to say so he didn’t speak, instead gazing into her eyes.
She licked her lips. “Give me a boost?”
“Yeah.” He released her, turned her around and gripped her around the waist. Then he lifted her with ease, holding her until he felt her move through the window.
She twisted around and stuck her head through the opening. “Thank you.”
Maybe this wasn’t goodbye. Maybe he’d see her around town. “My pleasure.”
He watched until she closed the window and disappeared inside then shook himself. He needed to get his head on straight. He’d never been one to let a pretty woman distract him and he couldn’t let Piper Holmes distract him now.
But as he walked away, he couldn’t help but feel like he’d left a part of himself behind.
Shifting Ground will be published this week! I’ll add store links here as soon as I’ve got them. In the meantime, pick up a copy of the freebie short story A Minor Shift, the first book in the series.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Can’t wait to read this.
Absolutely loved this!! Can’t wait for the next in the series!
Oh, and the craziest thing I’ve done (since I used to hide under the covers with a flashlight when I was a kid) was sneak my paperback into the restroom at work to read. I had a “stomach problem” that day, and since it was the EOM & everyone was expected to show up for work. So I ‘sucked it up’ and went to work … but I had to finish that Dark Hunter read!
Congrats on your new release. Thanks.
Congrats, and thanks.
congrats on the new release thanks for the giveaway!
Congrats! Sounds like a great read!
Thanks for the contest.
Thank you for participating in this hop!